On March 1, 2022, the Portuguese Council of Minister’s has announced a temporary protection policy for citizens of Ukraine and their family members, as well as for citizens from other nationalities who prove to be their relatives, spouses, or unmarried partners of citizens of Ukrainian nationality.
As part of this temporary protection is the immediate assignment, of taxpayer and National Health Service numbers and with no need to present a previous Visa. It was also announced the creation of a platform on the website of the Portuguese national employment and training entity “Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional” (IEFP) for the companies to publish available job offers. Yesterday, the platform has already 2000 job offers made available.
These measures also foresee the acceptance of undocumented people and no proof of being danger will be required.
The IEFP has also created a working group to monitor people, in a personalized way, so that there is a real capacity for integration in the Portuguese labor market. We highlight that Portuguese language courses are also made available by IEFP.
Knowing that many refugees will also be children, a survey is being conducted in schools and daycare centers for welcome purposes.
This way, Portugal is also addressing the need for support and assistance to the Ukrainian people, not neglecting employment access, which is a fundamental element for the integration of Ukrainian citizens in our country.
Catarina Venceslau de Oliveira @ DCM | Littler